Nick Foles: Believe It Book Review

Coming off of his fairy-tale season, Eagles' quarterback Nick Foles has published a book, entitled BELIEVE IT, that chronicles his story. 

The book is 236 pages, is published by Tyndale, and has some photos inserted in the middle. It reads like a high quality director’s commentary on a blu-ray. It really pulls back the curtain of the fickle nature of the NFL. 

What really hits home in this book is the real strive for authenticity that Foles seeks in his storytelling. He wants the reader to know that he is just like them, full of both failure and success. The stories and experiences he shares are genuine and heartfelt. 

Another key theme of the book is providence. Everything happens for a reason. As his story unfolds, it becomes apparent that God is dealing with him in a very purposeful way, though he (like all of us) couldn’t see what was happening at the time. 

This book is very moving. Nick Foles is a Super Bowl MVP, but you probably wouldn’t know it if you met him. He goes out of his way to show the reader that his identity is found in his faith in Christ, and that he is a Christian who happens to play football, and not the other way around. 

One of the best things about this book is that all the proceeds from its sales are going to charitable causes. Foles will not profit from the sale of this book. 

The supporting cast around him and the names dropped in the book also made this book a great read, especially if you are an Eagles fan. It’s exciting to see men of faith in positions of influence. It’s more exciting to see them use that influence in a way that glorifies God. 

There were a few things left to be desired in the book. A link to some online content or causes that are near and dear to the Foles family would have been interesting, as would a link to season stats. Also, a link or reference to some faith building resources would have been nice. 

All in all, this was a wonderful book that is a must-read for any Eagles fan. But I hope it will spill over beyond football. This is a book for underdogs, a book that shows that quite literally anything is possible.  

Final Rating: 9.52 out of 10.


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